Yoga Slogans
yoga is the key to flexibility.

Yoga is 99 percent practice and one percent theory.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in.

Body and soul a balanced role.

Stretch your mind, yoga everyday.

The attitude of gratitude is the highest yoga.

Yoga everyday keeps the doctor away.

Reduce stress, regain focus, better day.

Desire, ask, believe, receive.

Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.

Master your breath, contemplate on the sublime within you.

Do your practice and all is coming.

Center your body and mind, Stretch the possibilities.

Move. Awaken. Transform.
– The Mat Yoga Studio

Yoga in the Iyengar tradition.
– Family Yoga Centre in Edmonton

The quality of our breath expresses our inner feelings.

Strength, courage & love for life.
– One Flow Yoga Studio in Sacramento

Eight limbs of yoga for a healthy life.
– Moving Mantra Yoga Studio

Your vibrant new life.
– Bhava Yoga Studio
