Slogans About Cruelty Against Animals
God loved the birds and created trees, humans loved the birds and created cages

Speak for the ones without a voice.

Want to shoot animals? …Use cameras!

Eat beans not beings.

What if I came to your home and shot you to take your teeth? Save Elephants.

Animals Have Feelings Too.

Feed it, don’t eat it.

Cows/Pigs/Chickens are friends not food.

Save the seal because pain they feel.

Meat’s No Treat For Those You Eat!!!

Animals Feel Pain Too.

For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other

Do not buy animals from pet shops this increases puppy mills.

Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they’re in the game.

You Do The Animal Crime, You Do the Animal Time.

For frogs: Be nice Don’t Slice.

There is no excuse for animal abuse

Never wear anything that panics the cat

If one is not a fan of KFC, then they might say something like ‘Kentucky Fried Cruelty.”

You are not an environmentalist if you eat factory farmed animals
