Slogans For Saving Animals - Page 8
Don’t Shop adopt!

Treat animals with respect, that is what we expect.

I must ask why all these turtles must die?

Most of my friends are wild.

Save tiger save life, otherwise you will lose the pride

Defend the wild or disappoint a child

Animals are our life

Stop the SENSELESS slaghter

You can’t deny, you need to try, so they don’t die

If you had to kill the cow yourself, you’d eat tofu

Fur belongs to the animal that was wearing it first

As They Go – So Will We – Help Them – Help Yourself

Animals are your neighbors on this earth- respect them!

Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment

An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language

A hamburger stops a beating heart

We Care! Say no to the wear of Animal Fur.
