Slogans For Saving Animals - Page 7
Save them to play with them.

Lets together save the tiger
From fading away!…….
“its your turn to save me ”– tiger

The Panda has a special place in my heart, please don’t tear us apart

Never wear anything that panics the cat

Fastest animal on land needs help fast. Save the cheetah!

If one is not a fan of KFC, then they might say something like ‘Kentucky Fried Cruelty.”

Don’t be bitter, save the critters

Avoid a CATastrophe, spray or neuter

If I could come back as anything – I’d be a bird, first, but definitely the command key is my second choice.

Pets for Peace, not Beats.

Be nice to tigers….they’re Grrrreat!

You are not an environmentalist if you eat factory farmed animals

Veggies you must eat, to become petite.

Stop killing sharks for their fin, a change needs to begin.

Friends not food.

Fails to protect animals, Sails to nature’s destruction.

Save Tigers
Save Humanbeings
Save Our Environment.

I have the right to live

Protect the Animals You Love.

If you are what you eat, does that make you Dead Meat!
