Slogans For Saving Animals - Page 6

Slogans, Motto, Taglines > Slogans For Saving Animals

Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they’re in the game.

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Paws, Think. Save a Tiger!

Paws Think Save A Tiger

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Plants and Creatures Died To Create Room For The Body Fat.

Leaves hipster burger

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Let Good Prevail and Greed Fail, Save the Whale.

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Save the Elephant, Now not later.

Save The Elephant

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Pets are mans best friend so give them your friendship.

Pets Are Mans Best Friend

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It is cruel to want to keep them ‘just for fun’.

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Be a voice for the voiceless!

Be A Voice For The Voiceless

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Don’t be a loser, stop the abuser.

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Show you care, save the polar bear.

Show You Care

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Save Endangered Animals While We Can.

 Save Endangered Animals

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Love me, don’t eat me

Love Me Don't Eat me

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If you don’t have conviction, they will face extinction

If You Don't Have Conviction They Will Face Extinction

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You Do The Animal Crime, You Do the Animal Time.

 You So The Animal Crime

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For frogs: Be nice Don’t Slice.

For frogs Be nice Don’t Slice.

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There is no excuse for animal abuse

There Is No Excuse For Animal Abuse

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Keep your “Eye On the Tigers”

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The danger is real so help save the seal.

The Danger Is Real So Help Save The Seal

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If we save Tigers, the tigers will save tigress

 The Tiger  Will Save Tigress

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Turn your head, and they’re dead!

Turn Your Head

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