Slogans For Saving Animals - Page 6
Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they’re in the game.

Paws, Think. Save a Tiger!

Plants and Creatures Died To Create Room For The Body Fat.

Let Good Prevail and Greed Fail, Save the Whale.

Save the Elephant, Now not later.

Pets are mans best friend so give them your friendship.

It is cruel to want to keep them ‘just for fun’.

Be a voice for the voiceless!

Don’t be a loser, stop the abuser.

Show you care, save the polar bear.

Save Endangered Animals While We Can.

If you don’t have conviction, they will face extinction

You Do The Animal Crime, You Do the Animal Time.

For frogs: Be nice Don’t Slice.

There is no excuse for animal abuse

Keep your “Eye On the Tigers”

The danger is real so help save the seal.

If we save Tigers, the tigers will save tigress

Turn your head, and they’re dead!
