Slogans For Saving Animals - Page 4
Tigers’ extinction will be our shame

Animals Have More Rights Than Prenatal Humans

Birds can plummet as quickly as they can soar.

Cows/Pigs/Chickens are friends not food.

Save the seal because pain they feel.

Meat’s No Treat For Those You Eat!!!

Feed it, don’t eat it.

Nature has it’s intellectual property rights, save dolphins.

Birds are taken with pipes that imitate their own voices, and men with those sayings that are most agreeable to their own opinions.

Shot the “tiger” with the camera not with the gun

Mighty tigers hear them roar, for they may be no more

Big and small, protect them all.

Fur is worn by beautiful animals and heartless people.

Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes

You Can Make a Difference For Endangered Animals.

Animals are my friends and I don’t wear my friends

Fastest animal on land needs help fast. Save the cheetah!

Animals Feel Pain Too.

Don’t strip the stripes from the scenery: Save the Tiger

Some species are slipping away, can’t we help them in some way?
