Slogans For Saving Animals - Page 2
Tigers: Save our striped friends.

The dolphins need your help today so they can continue to swim and play.

Speak for the ones without a voice.

Don’t strip the stripes from the scenery: Save the Tiger.

Love animals, don’t wear them.

Tiger is a Symbol of Beauty, Bravery, Strength and Nationality So Save the Tiger, Save the Nation Pride

The ones who have no voice need you to speak up.

Want to shoot animals? …Use cameras!

Save tiger, save the forest, save environment and save your earth.

Eat beans not beings.

Don’t be wild to tigers, help save them!

If Animals Are Lost, We Will Pay the Cost.

The Pleasant morning wake up sounds get far,if we don’t conserve birds

What if I came to your home and shot you to take your teeth? Save Elephants.

Don’t be a nerd – save a bird

Animals Have Feelings Too.


“Natures own pest control” – (birds eat insects)

God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages.

Fur: Beautiful on animals, ugly on people.
