Anti Smoking Slogans - Page 3
भले काम से मुँह मत मोड़ो, तम्बाखू की आदत छोडो. (Hindi)

Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They’re rich; you’re dead.

Smart folks don’t use smokes.

If you smoke, Jesus cries.

Don’t puff your life away.

Clean air! It’s my choice, so butt out!

A kitten dies every time you light up.

Smoking Leaves An Unseen Scar, It Fills Your Insides With Toxins And Tar.

Tobacco kills. If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life.

Be Strong, be Human, be Considerate; say no to cigar; motivate a mate.

Before you light the cigar, think about others inhailing air.

To Your Health It Is A Threat, So Please Put Down That Cigarette.

When You Give Up Smoking It’s a Different World.

We have the right to refuse to inhale second-hand smoke.

Too much smoke will leave you broke.

Smoking? You must be joking…

Smoking is very glamorous, if you like deep wrinkles.

Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.

Is smoking good for business? Not if you want long-term customers.
