Anti Racism Slogans
Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color.

Everyone should be colorblind to see the beauty of people.

Speak up for those who can’t.

Some people need to accept that the world is colorful.

Racism: Spot It and Stop It!

Accomplishments have no color.

Immigrants welcome, racists not.

White America has a Black history.

Black, brown, yellow, red and white; Workers of the world unite!

Racial superiority is a mere pigment of the imagination.

Skin shouldn’t cause pain so stop this foolish game.

You don’t fight racism with racism, the best way to fight racism is with solidarity.

No ones the same every one is unique every one has their individual.

See through me like a window my skin is no barer.

Open your eyes and see the colors, open your mind and they disappear

Racism in the 21 Century: Stop It!

Even if he is American, you can adapt it pretty easily.

Love music – hate racism!

Migrants are welcome, Bush is not.
