Anti Human Trafficking Slogans
Till now man has been up against Nature; from now on he will be up against his own nature

Humans – not for sale.

Accept whats done to their children, If you don’t mind it being done to yours – Children trafficking.

End the Misery, Stop Human Trafficking.

Human trafficking is a criminal offense.

Save Tigers
Save Humanbeings
Save Our Environment.

Conserve those you love, the things that matter, what keeps you living! Save Water!

Stolen people, stolen dreams.

A human life is not an object.

No-one Can Own Anyone.

They may use my body but my mind is free. In my mind I escape.

People are not the only inhabitants on Earth, we just act like it.

Together, we combat child trafficking.

This could be your daughter. Stop human trafficking.

Hear My Plea, Set Them Free.

Don’t let those wicked men win, don’t let them destroy you!

Divided we fall, terrorism divides.

Terrorism by choice is self-destruction.

Heart and soul acceptance is for peace and not for terrorism.

Pen is mightier than sword! yes, peace and growth outweigh terrorism.