Anti Dowry Slogans - Page 2
Dahej Mangao Barbadi Bulao (Hindi Slogan)
Ask for dowry and you invite your destruction.
Have privilege of not marrying “money”.
Who chooses a wife based on the dowry, will have a painful life.
Man must support his wife if in-laws harass her.
Your better half gives a better deal in life, don’t deal with dowry.
Don’t degrade yourself by demanding dowry.
Dahej lena aur dena apradh hai. (Hindi)
Don’t sell yourself, have self confidence.
Dowry the mask of flowers hides a terrorist’s face ..
Resist or you will regret. Taking dowry is no grace.
Don’t search for a shareholder, select a life-partner.
Behave manly, depend on your earnings.
Taking dowry is no grace.
Jo dehej mangega woh pehle jail jayega. (Hindi)
Drugs affect more than just you
Dahej lena paap hai (It’s a sin to accept dowry).
Those who burn brides need to be hanged.