Anti Bullying Slogans - Page 3
Bullies only bully because they’re bullied by a bigger bully.

Bullying is for losers.

Attacking one’s personal appearance can kill a soul.

Bullies are not friends.

A bully-free environment creates a better atmosphere.

Bullies are not cool, they are just bitter fools.

A bully tries to put you down, because they are not up.

What goes around comes around.

Don’t make victims, make friends.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Bulling is cruel so dont act like a fool.

Step up so others won’t get stepped on.

Stop the pain YOU cause.

Life with a bully around is painful.

Friend Me, Don’t Bully Me.

Bullies are like pulleys,
But they pull others DOWN!

Deep down, in their hearts,
Bullies don’t really feel so smart.
