Slogans Against Domestic Violence
The ones who have no voice need you to speak up.

Stop it while you still have a voice

Come Up With A Resolution, Violence Is Never A Solution.

Domestic Violence Prevention Begins With Me… and You.

Don’t believe when they say they will change!

Domestic Violence is an Every Day Issue

Stopping Domestic Violence: It’s Not Just a Good Idea — It’s The Law.

Act Like You Have Evolved, Talk It Out To Have It Resolved.

There is no reason to hurt another!

Do The Right Thing, Don’t Throw A Punch Or Swing.

Act Like A Monk, Not A Punk.

Don’t Punch Or Hit, Instead Use Your Wit.

Decrease The Violence And Increase The Peace Come On Guys Let’s Have Safer Streets.

Bullies Never Win In The Games.

Prevent Domestic Violence: Preserve Domestic Tranquility.

Domestic violence is a travesty!

It’s ok, she doesn’t hit very hard.
