Slogans About Human Rights - Page 2
Man must feel the earth to know him and recognize his values. God made life simple.

Resist this war on God, freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

Everyone deserves to live their rights

बाल व्यापार की रोक थाम, हम सब मिल करे ये काम. (Hindi)

‘Say No to Child labour’

Protect human rights and human dignity!

‘We are the generation, give us our Rights’

माता पिता दुश्मन बन जाते हैं, जब वो नन्हे हाथो से काम करवाते हैं. (Hindi)

A freedom given up is not so easily regained.

One day they will be ready, nature them now

I have the right to live

Don’t encourage child labour.

Education is our birth right!

Let children play and study

Lets STOP treating Child like This……

Make Anti child labour your fight!!!

Save Children save their Childhood !

“The end of child labour:Together we can do it”

‘ I totally opposed child labour’

‘All ye nation !! wake up !! prevent child labour’
