Class of 2013 Slogans
Step aside while we rock the scene. We’re the class of 2013.

Livin the dream, class of 2013.

Nothing will come between this class of 2013.

Move on up! Make your mark. 2013 has got the Spark.

So much hassle for a 2013 tassel.

Way ahead of all the rest, the class of 13 is the best

After the world ends we’re still here! Class of 2013.

YO we are the classs of 2013 nobody can beat us, we are the one that make the school funny…

Yah we are class of “2013”, we’er mean, we’er lean, we party really hard nobody can handly us yah we are the class of “2013”..

Nothing will come between this class of 2013.

Don’t hate, don’t be mean, cos we’re the class of 2013
