School Campaign Slogans
Fly like a Butterfly, Sting like a Bee, Don’t vote for them, Please vote for me!

It is the right choice, go ahead, raise your voice!

For Success Choose The Best.

Don’t be shy, Give (Name) a try.

No need to sweat, Vote for someone you won’t regret, vote (Name).

Cast your ballot, have you heard? (Name) for student council secretary, spread the word!

If you have a doubt, Come find out what I’m all about!

Vote for… Because he refused to be ordinary.

YOUR voice. YOUR choice. Vote (Name) today.

A classy choice for this class!

Want life to go your way? Vote (Name) today!

You’ve seen the best now choose the best, vote for (Name).

Like a good neighbor (Name) is there.

I’m very clever, but not scary. Vote for me for secretary!

Don’t throw your vote away, vote for (Name) today!

Don’t Be Hesitant. Vote (Name) For President.

A Vote for Me is a Vote for You, Vote (Name) to Represent You!

Vote for “Name”. He is Good at Delegating.

Make Someone Happy. Vote for “Name”.
