Workplace Safety Slogans

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जीवन का यही है नारा सरक्षा भरा हो परिवार हमारा.(Hindi)

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Keep your eyes on safety.

Keep Your Eyes On Safety

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Get smart! Use safety from the start.

Get Smart Use Safety

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Be a safety hero – score an accident zero

 Be A Safety Hero

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Your accidents affect others too.


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Stop! Think! Then Act!

 Stop Think

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There’s no such thing as new accidents, just new victims.


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Safety is a mission, not an intermission


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Safety is about doing the right thing, even if no one is looking.

background abstract10

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Have another day by being safe today!


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Dare to be aware.

Plantilla Tareas

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Safety first… because accidents last.

Safety First

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Time runs out on luck. Do the job the safe way.


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Never think working safe is in vain when it could save a lifetime of pain.


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Don’t learn safety by accident.

Don't Learn Safety

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Your safety is everyone’s responsibility, especially yours.


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Your accidents affect others too.

Your Accidents Affect Others Too

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The safe way is the right way.


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The only excuse for poor safety is poor planning.


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Slip, trip, and fall are four-letter words.


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