Workplace Safety Slogans
जीवन का यही है नारा सरक्षा भरा हो परिवार हमारा.(Hindi)

Keep your eyes on safety.

Get smart! Use safety from the start.

Be a safety hero – score an accident zero

Your accidents affect others too.

Stop! Think! Then Act!

There’s no such thing as new accidents, just new victims.

Safety is a mission, not an intermission

Safety is about doing the right thing, even if no one is looking.

Have another day by being safe today!

Safety first… because accidents last.

Time runs out on luck. Do the job the safe way.

Never think working safe is in vain when it could save a lifetime of pain.

Don’t learn safety by accident.

Your safety is everyone’s responsibility, especially yours.

Your accidents affect others too.

The safe way is the right way.

The only excuse for poor safety is poor planning.

Slip, trip, and fall are four-letter words.