Fire Safety Slogans
Fire is a good servant but a bad master.

Ensure fire safety, save life, save property.

Carelessness is the biggest cause of fire.

Fire prevention, make it a priority.

Fire destruction is one man’s job, fire prevention is everybody’s job.

Fire defense is a self defense.

Whatever burns never returns.

Kill fire before it kills you.

Fire prevention is our intention.

Practice Fire Safety. Watch what you heat.

Keep your eyes on safety.

Don’t delay, get out of fire’s way.

Fires that are small, soon will be tall!

Accident brings tears, fire safety brings cheers.

Safety can distinguish you. Lack of safety can extinguish you.

Only You can prevent forest fires!

Get smart! Use safety from the start.

Respect fire, your life could depend on it.

Fire catches, so don’t play with matches.
