Pro Life Slogans - Page 3
Take my hand, not my life.

Real men stand by their children.

Real Doctors Don’t Kill Babies.

Pro-Life is the radical notion that babies are people.

Let the babies live and let the mothers love.

Kill the rapist, not the baby.

It’s a CHILD, not a CHOICE!

Visualize Someone You Love Being Aborted.

You made your choice, now you have a responsibility.

You might forgive yourself, but a dead baby sure can’t.

A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.

Act Now! You can be a Graver Saver!

Let a girl child breathe, educate and empower in her own family and country.

शिक्षा बेटी का हैं हथियार, बढाओ कदम और करो विचार. (Hindi)

माँ चाहिए…. पत्नी चाहिए…. बहन चाहिए…. फिर बेटी क्यों नहीं चाहिए ?(Hindi)

बेटी को मरवाओगे तो दुल्हन कहा से लाओगे. (Hindi)

खुशहाल बालिका भविष्य देशका. (Hindi)

Your Silence Is Golden For The Abortion Industry.

When You Kill A Girl You Kill Many Others.

Never behave badly with a girl child; she is a base of life, so let your life go smooth.