Anti Abortion Slogans - Page 2
Save the cheerleader, save the world.

Don’t kill the girl child
Then you’ll become wild

Without girls life is nothing So please don’t try to do anything.

बेटी है तो कल है. (Hindi)

माँ नहीं तो बेटी नहीं, बेटी नहीं तो बेटा नहीं. (Hindi)

Some babies die by chance, none should die by choice.

Girls are the future of proud of the country so don’t try to kill unborn girl baby.

Diapers are disposable, Babies are not! Stop Abortion

Equal Rights for Unborn Women

चाहे मुन्ना चाहे मुनिया, एकही बच्चे की प्यारी दुनिया. (Hindi)

Life, the greatest gift a mother can give.

Your mother gave you the gift of life, pass it on.

Abortion: One Dead One Wounded.

Abortion: One heart stops, another heart breaks.

Abortion: Unnatural Selection.

Abortion Stops a Beating Heart

Take my hand, not my life.

Real men stand by their children.

Real Doctors Don’t Kill Babies.

Let the babies live and let the mothers love.
