Fitness Slogans
No junk food if u want 2 preserve ur wealth bcoz health is wealth.

Keep your body clean and fit – it’s the only one you have.

Eat less meat if you want to be petite.

Seven Days Without Exercise Makes One Weak.

Born to run. Forced to work.

One day at a time. One workout at a time. One rep at a time.

Feeling plump? Go run and jump.

For good health’s sake, run, jump and shake.

Next time when you’re cookin’ Remember you wanna stay good lookin’

Healthy eating For a life that is long and to look good in a thong.

Rest a while and run a mile.

I Have, I Can, And I Will Run.

Dream BIG, Run fast!!!

Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.

Run like you stole something.