AIDS Slogans
AIDS se na raho anjaan , samna karo seena taan (Hindi)

Don’t cry, Don’t die, when AIDS comes near, say goodbye.

Ladies, be wise! Make them guys condomize.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Open your eyes before AIDS closes them.

AIDS is no joke, wrap before you poke.

Spread smiles not AIDS

AIDS brings pain! Girls, please abstain! Ladies, be wise! Make them guys condomize!

Better safe than sorry.

Prevention is better than cure. Especially when something has no cure.

Be beautiful! Be smart! Be stylish! But, protect yourself.

15 min. of pleasure = a lifetime of pain.

Pleasure for a moment; pain for a lifetime.

Better to protect, rather than regret.

Avoid the Scare…Be Aware.

Try different position with the same woman instead of same position with different women.

Is 20 minutes of unprotected thrills worth a life time of pills?

AIDS Da Gyan,Bachhaye Jaan (Punjabi Slogan)
Knowledge of AIDS Help Save our Life.

Help Us Find A Way to Take AIDS Away.

End the Dread…Stop the Spread.
