Slogans For Saving Trees - Page 3
Help the trees to smile and survive everywhere, to keep our mankind alive forever.

Don’t cut trees
Save me please

Paper: In an office an hour, forever in a landfill.

Money grows on trees: Recycle paper

They kill good trees to put out bad newspapers.

Save paper save Trees.

It’s nifty to be thrifty: save paper!


Plant a tree and get air for free.

Don’t cut trees they are our friends

He Who Plants a Tree Loves Others Beside Himself!

we don’t want radiation, we don’t want deforestation, we want a tree nation

The nature of our future depends on the future of our nature

Grow Trees, Save Life, Save Earth

When all the rain forests are gone; humans will be next.

Let the rainforest stay pure so its future can be secure

Get wild about saving the rainforest

TREES: Plant it for the Planet.
