Slogans For Saving Trees - Page 2

Slogans, Motto, Taglines > Environmental Slogans > Slogans For Saving Trees

In planting trees if you take PAIN, there will be more oxygen and abundant RAIN.

In planting trees if you take PAIN, there will be more oxygen and abundant RAIN

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Want nature’s resources FREE? Grow more and more TREE

Want nature’s resources FREE? Grow more and more TREE

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Plant a tree, grow a flower – let’s give mother earth to give them back her power.

Plant a tree, grow a flower – let’s give mother earth to give them back her power.

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In planting trees if you take PAIN, there will be more oxygen and abundant RAIN.

In planting trees if you take PAIN, there will be more oxygen and abundant RAIN.

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The choice is yours- Save it or Waste it

The Choice Is Yours

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Don’t take that seventh napkin. Make a bit less mess!


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May the Forest be with you

May the Forest be with you

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I’m asking you please, stop cutting the trees

I’m asking you please, stop cutting the trees

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Save Paper, Save Trees, Save the earth!

Save Paper, Save Trees, Save the earth!

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Save water today….or live in a desert tomorrow

Save water today….or live in a desert tomorrow

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If man should live with ease and in peace, falling trees, he should cease

If man should live with ease and in peace, falling trees, he should cease

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If you plant more trees and make the earth look GREEN, its environment will be healthy and CLEAN.


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Lets cut carbs – Our carbon footprint that is!!


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See the forest for the trees.

See the forest for the trees.

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To sit down within the shade, you need to save paper first


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Think… before you print.

Think… before you print

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Cut a Tree, Cut a Tree and there’ll be no more left to see.

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Conserve today. Use tomorrow.

Conserve today. Use tomorrow.

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Want nature’s resources FREE? Grow more and more TREE

Want nature’s resources FREE? Grow more and more TREE

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Save Paper Save Environment.


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