Air Pollution Slogans - Page 2
Instead of crackers, let you laughter be heard all around.

If You Harm Today’s It’Ll Harm Your Tomorrow.

Let Us Have A Smoke Free And Breathe Free Diwali.

Let’s fill out mind and homes with lights and flowers, not explosives and fumes

Let this Diwali burn all your bad times, Celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali!

Minimize the poisonous gasses & maximize the happiness.

No crackers, Let’s Celebrate a pollution-free Diwali

Give out children a green future. Say no to fireworks.

Burst Crackers if you want to spoil the nature.

Be Wise, Let The Greenery Rise!

No Pollution Is The Clear Solution.

Be All That You Can Be, Avoid Crack Cocaine And Ecstasy.

Air pollution does not need visa to travel across the borders

Care For Air, Polluting It Is Not Fair

Millions of people die every year due to air pollution

Less pollution is the best solution.

Please Prevent Polluting Air And It Will Prevent Polluting You

Air Pollution Is Not A Joke, Air Pollution Will Make You Choke

Air pollution lowers IQ level of your kids
