Air Pollution Slogans
Look around, walk around, breathe clean air and don’t litter the ground.

Plant a tree, green the earth, clean the air, live happily.

Make No Pollution Your New Year Resolution

Forming Pollution Is Easy, But Resolving The Impact Of It Is Difficult

Crackers are of no use, they are just environment abuse.

Pollution free Diwali, brings everywhere Khush-hali.

Pollution- If You Don’t Kill It , It Will Kill You

Everyone has a right to clean air.

There is nothing whacker than a lowdy cracker.

Join The Revolution And Stop The Pollution.

Your planet needs you. Say no to fireworks & fumes.

Lets fill our homes with Prayers & Light not with Fumes & Crackers.

This Diwali. Only Diyas, No fireworks.

Let’s not forget our nature this Diwali, Celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali

What will your children breathe?

Be Fair, Don’t Pollute The Air

Green is the new black. Have a eco-friendly Diwali.

Say No to firecrackers & yes to Happiness.

Don’t act mean, go green. celebrate an eco friendly Diwali this Year.

This Diwali, let’s go green & celebrate a pollution free Diwali
