Save Water Slogans - Page 8

Conserve water,our life’s on the brink !


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Boond Boond Se Bharti Gaagar, Kai Gaagar Se Banta Mahasagar. (Hindi)

Boond Boond Se Bharti Gaagar, Kai Gaagar Se Banta Mahasagar.

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CPR and rescue breathing are absolutely necessary for water safety.


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Cultivate water…!!!


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Water saver

Water saver

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Save water – every drop counts

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Save water, save life

Save water, save life

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Save money, water and plastic, buy a canteen, its fantastic!

Save money, water and plastic, buy a canteen, its fantastic!

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Water: Vital Resource for Life

Water: Vital Resource for Life

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Zap the tap.

Zap the tap.

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Stop making a splash. Conserve water.

Stop making a splash. Conserve water.

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Waste Not. Wanna Lot.

Waste Not. Wanna Lot.

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Walk in the desert, You will realize the cost of Water.

Walk in the desert, You will realize the cost of Water.

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save water and it will save u later.

save water and it will save u later.

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Save the water here and there, don’t waste it anywhere

Save the water here and there, don’t waste it anywhereSave the water here and there, don’t waste it anywhere

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Conservation: Doing more with less.

Conservation: Doing more with less.

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