Save Fuel Slogans
Today’s wastage is tomorrow’s shortage.

Oil is called liquid gold….one day it will cost you gold …. if you dont conserve it today !

Don’t be cruel, conserve your fuel!

Oil is like time…. once gone will never come back…. and its going at fast rate

The less you burn the more you earn

Put your mind into planning today. Look into the future.

Oil is like time…. once gone will never come back

Oil is draining from earth… it starts with your engine.

While oil companies make the cash, future generations will feel the backlash

Driving in the highest gear possible saves petrol.

Ride a bike or a trike, not a car on the tar

The choice is yours- Save it or Waste it

Oil is like an endangered specie…. with so many poachers around…. You dont be one !

Conserve Fuel It Does not Cost. It Saves

One day oil will be costlier than gold ; so start conserving today !!!

Mend your fuelish ways.

Dont make your child ask… “What was oil ?”… Conserve today !

Properly inflated tires save petrol.
