Save Earth Slogans - Page 3
Man must feel the earth to know him and recognize his values. God made life simple.

Save the earth Save the trees and save environment

Green energy doesn’t cost the earth.

Green our planet – the best place on earth

Plant a tree, grow a flower –let’s give mother earth back her power

Save energy to save our planet


Be fair, Show Earth that you care!

Be nice to it. It’s the only one we have.

Save our planet ..yes!!save it cause earth also save us..

If you cut a tree you cut your life

Adapt to what we can not prevent and prevent what we can not adapt to.

Save water and save the earth

Conservation It Doesn’t Cost It Saves.

Don’t disgrace, Embrace

Continue to abuse and we all lose.

I’m not an environmentalist. I’m an Earth warrior.

People are not the only inhabitants on Earth, we just act like it.

Love earth and earth will love you!!

Love earth and live long
