Recycling Slogans
Recycle each and every day, instead of throwing paper and plastic away

Reuse yesteryear, Recycle the current, Save the near future!

Recycle Today for a Better Tomorrow

Got pollution? Be the solution!…RECYCLE

Money grows on trees: Recycle paper

Reuse aluminium. Why? Because you CAN.

You can’t change the past but you can change the future, always remember to recycle.

I am a mean, green recycling machine.

Learn to recycle and use your bicycle

Recycle your waste, save energy, conserve resources and preserve the nature of the world.

Think Globally. Act Locally

Recycle the can, or deplete the land!

Mother Earth just wants to say, she appreciates when you don’t trash her away!

Don’t throw away, recycle for another day

Reuse the past, recycle the present, reduce pollution in the future.

You are the difference – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Do something drastic, cut the plastic!

The Call To Refuse The Plastic Is A Turn To Stop The Drastic
