Environmental Slogans - Page 6

Slogans, Motto, Taglines > Environmental Slogans

Don’t Spoil the Soil.


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For your better tomorrow, save energy today.

For your better tomorrow, save energy today

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Global Warming: We have a solution, Stop Pollution!


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Your planet needs you.

Your planet needs you

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Put the kind back in mankind

Put the kind back in mankind

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Join The Revolution And Stop The Pollution.


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Save Energy, Save money, Save Nation, Save planet.

Save Energy, Save money, Save Nation, Save planet

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Save Paper, Save Trees, Save the earth!

Save Paper, Save Trees, Save the earth!

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One day oil will be costlier than gold ; so start conserving today !!!

One day oil will be costlier than gold ; so start conserving today !!!

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Reuse yesteryear, Recycle the current, Save the near future!

Reuse yesteryear, Recycle the current, Save the near future!

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Unite and save the earth.

Unite and save the earth.

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It’s more valuable than oil. It’s our soil!


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You can make a world of difference.

You can make a world of difference.

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There is no earth 2.0

There is no earth 2.0

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Save water today….or live in a desert tomorrow

Save water today….or live in a desert tomorrow

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Go Green to Breath Clean

Go Green to Breath Clean

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Keep Ozone from becoming the no zone.

Keep Ozone from becoming the no zone.

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Avoid climatic change, one iceberg at any given time.

Avoid climatic change, one iceberg at any given time

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Today you burn, tomorrow your children will feel the heat.


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Global warming is not a trend, our earth just might end


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