Environmental Slogans - Page 59

Slogans, Motto, Taglines > Environmental Slogans

Talk is cheap, action speaks..reduce reuse recycle today!

Talk is cheap, action speaks..reduce reuse recycle today!

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Stop! Think! Recycle!

Stop! Think! Recycle!

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Save the Earth

Save the Earth

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Recyclers do it over and over again

Recyclers do it over and over again

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Recycle. Everybody’s Doing it.

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Recycle, Duh.

Recycle, Duh.

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People who recycle do it over, and over, and over.

People who recycle do it over, and over, and over.

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Just Re-do It.

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Here we go again.

Here we go again.

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Give back to the Earth.

Give back to the Earth.

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We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment


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Water: Vital Resource for Life

Water: Vital Resource for Life

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The environment needs you now.

The environment needs you now.

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Many Species. One Planet. One Future

Many Species. One Planet. One Future

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Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof

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Committed To Lifelong Learning In A Caring Environment

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Children and the Environment

Children and the Environment

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Beat the Heat.


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Go green to keep the Earth clean and serene.

Go green to keep the Earth clean and serene.

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Share clean air.

Share clean air

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