Environmental Slogans - Page 24

Slogans, Motto, Taglines > Environmental Slogans

When you choose wind, everyone wins

When you choose wind, everyone wins

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Save a tree, hug me rather!

Save a tree, hug me rather!

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Fresh air from a tree let us be

Fresh air from a tree let us be

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Shine the light on solar power!

Shine the light on solar power!

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Save our planet ..yes!!save it cause earth also save us..

Save our planet ..yes!!save it cause earth also save us..

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Save our planet, plant a tree!

Save our planet, plant a tree!

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Switch on the Sun

Switch on the Sun

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If you cut a tree you cut your life

If you cut a tree you cut your life

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Don’t panic – go organic.

Don't Panic

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Embrace the green revolution

Embrace the green revolution

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Alternative Energy: One Answer Rises Every Morning

Alternative Energy: One Answer Rises Every Morning

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Act Like You Live Here.

Act Like You Live Here.

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Do not be Mean: Go Green.

Do not be Mean: Go Green.

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Today’s wastage is tomorrow’s shortage.

Today’s wastage is tomorrow’s shortage

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Adapt to what we can not prevent and prevent what we can not adapt to.

Adapt to what we can not prevent and prevent what we can not adapt to.

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You can’t deny, you need to try, so they don’t die

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If you had to kill the cow yourself, you’d eat tofu


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Fur is not fair


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Fur belongs to the animal that was wearing it first


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As They Go – So Will We – Help Them – Help Yourself

As They Go – So Will We – Help Them – Help Yourself

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