Environmental Slogans - Page 22

Slogans, Motto, Taglines > Environmental Slogans

Save energy, save resources and preserve the lives of our children.

Save energy, save resources and preserve the lives of our children.

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Celebrate Earth Day every day.

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Solar Panels: Put it where the Sun ‘does’ shine

Solar Panels Put it where the Sun ‘does’ shine

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Let the Sun do the work!

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Avoid getting caught in the fashion TRAP, Don’t wear fur


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When you conserve water, you conserve life!

When you conserve water, you conserve life!

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Way to go against climate change!

Way to go against climate change!

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एक घर, एक पेड़ संतुलन का यही हैं खेल.. (Hindi)

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Man must feel the earth to know him and recognize his values. God made life simple.

Man Must Feel The Earth

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Way to go green.

Way to go green.

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Save the earth Save the trees and save environment

Save the earth Save the trees and save environment

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Green energy doesn’t cost the earth.

Green energy doesn’t cost the earth.

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Green our planet – the best place on earth

Green our planet – the best place on earth

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A culture is just as healthy since it’s forest.

A culture is just as healthy since it’s forest.

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Solar Power: The best things in life are free

Solar Power The best things in life are free

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Global WARNING, lets STOP the warming.


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Defend the wild or disappoint a child


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Plant a tree, grow a flower –let’s give mother earth back her power

Plant a tree, grow a flower –let’s give mother earth back her power

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If you love to breathe, Save the trees

If you love to breathe, Save the trees

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Hug a tree, they have less issues than people

Hug a tree, they have less issues than people

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