Environmental Slogans - Page 21

Slogans, Motto, Taglines > Environmental Slogans

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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Live Green. Save Green.

Live Green. Save Green.

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This land is our land; save it from all types of pollution


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Keep our oceans fairly blue


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Tune-ups save petrol.

Tune-ups save petrol.

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Generations to come will pay the price. Use oil judiciously.

Generations to come will pay the price. Use oil judiciously.

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Do something drastic, cut the plastic!

Do something drastic, cut the plastic!

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One raindrop raises the sea.


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Get off Your Ass and Save on Gas!

Water Conserve It

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Avoid a Meltdown! Stop Global Warming.


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If you are what you eat, does that make you Dead Meat!


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Spin Baby Spin

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Keep the trash in politics not in our streets!


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Human, clean your room.


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Air pollution does not need visa to travel across the borders


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Once the Earth dies, which side you reside?

Once the Earth dies, which side you reside?

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Be Green or You’re Mean.

Be Green or You’re Mean.

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Go Green Today for a better tomorrow.

Go Green Today for a better tomorrow.

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You will always be surrounded by energy – how much, that’s up to you.

You will always be surrounded by energy – how much, that’s up to you.

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The only people who never save energy are those who never try.

The only people who never save energy are those who never try.

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