Environmental Slogans - Page 12

Slogans, Motto, Taglines > Environmental Slogans

Our future’s at stake, which path will you take? Go Green!

Our future’s at stake, which path will you take? Go Green!

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Poor quality water means decline of your health


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We don’t want to melt the polar, so we should all use solar!

We don’t want to melt the polar, so we should all use solar!

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Garbage segregation answer to a neat and beautiful nation

Garbage segregation answer to a neat and beautiful nation

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Water is where the life comes from.

Water is where the life comes from

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Wind, water, Sun: Energy for the long run

Wind, water, Sun: Energy for the long run

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Water conservation for today is life conservation for tomorrow.

Water conservation for today is life conservation for tomorrow.

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You can’t change the past but you can change the future, always remember to recycle.

You can’t change the past but you can change the future, always remember to recycle

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Give me your ears! Not your noise because i need ears to hear sweet voices!


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Undue noise means undue load on your senses


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Avoid pollution, protect earth.


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Animals: I have a soul, in nature I have a role, so please have self-control and let me go are clothes to kill for?

I Have A Soul

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Silence is the best medicine for your weak nerves

Abstraction - 18

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Don’t cut trees they are our friends


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He Who Plants a Tree Loves Others Beside Himself!


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we don’t want radiation, we don’t want deforestation, we want a tree nation


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Land pollution is most fatal to your health


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All great movements start at home, do your bit to reduce household energy use.

All great movements start at home, do your bit to reduce household energy use.

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Energy saved is energy produced.

Energy saved is energy produced.

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Wildlife conservation is the conversation!

Wildlife conservation is the conversation!

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