Go Green Slogans - Page 4
Green energy doesn’t cost the earth.

Green our planet – the best place on earth

A culture is just as healthy since it’s forest.

Plant a tree, grow a flower –let’s give mother earth back her power

If you love to breathe, Save the trees

Hug a tree, they have less issues than people

Don’t cut a tree, let it grow free.

पेड़ लगाओ देश बचाओ, पेड़ लगाओ जीवन बचाओ, जीवन खुश हाल बनाओ. (Hindi)

Energy is future, make it bright.

Get by and save environment

Save energy to save our planet

Save a tree, hug me rather!

Fresh air from a tree let us be

Save our planet ..yes!!save it cause earth also save us..

Save our planet, plant a tree!

Embrace the green revolution

Act Like You Live Here.

Do not be Mean: Go Green.
