Go Green Slogans - Page 11
वृक्ष लगाओ, हरियाली लाओ. (Hindi)

बच्चा बच्चा उठेंगा, पेड़ लगाकर धरती को सजायेगा. (Hindi)

Show your love for Mother Earth

Wind Today, Green Tomorrow

You’ll have more green when you go green

Solar power – The sunny side of life.

Green and protect the earth

Plant a tree and get air for free

Once the planet is gone, it is gone

Trees don’t grow on money either

The tree is your friend.

Save Trees: You need them, They need You

Save the trees or else they’re leaving..

Respect your elders, leave trees alone

Become an Energy Star by Going Green.

Lead the scene to keep it green

Nature saves us, we have to save it.
