Education Slogans - Page 4
Education is a weapon which can change the world.

A Tradition Of Excellence

Parents, who do not give full rights to their girl child, don’t have hand in the success of India.

A girl child has all the rights as like as a boy; let her educate and be happy.

No child should be left behind

Creating A Community Of Life-Long Learners

A Partnership In Discovery

Recycle: All the cool kids are doing it

Only in popular education can man erect the structure of an enduring civilization.

Building community by honoring all traditions.

Be a reader, be a writer, be a problem solver.

A girl is source of happy life, why we restrict her from education.

A drop of tear in the eye of a girl child is enough to destroy us! Let her educate and be happy.

Invest in girl’s education; they are worth more than diamond and platinum.

Failing to educate a girl child is failing to succeed, whether it is family, society or country.

Educating and empowering the girls can double the power of India.

Education is our birth right!

Let children play and study

‘Stop Child labour for peaceful future life and for development of human’

“That which liberates is education”
