Education Slogans - Page 2
Preparing Students For Success In A Changing World

Education is the only key to empower girls.

Educate a girl child and remove all the crimes against her!

Don’t be a fart; give every body a good start.

Opportunities For Lifelong Learning

‘Stop Child labour and give them privilege to stand forward in future generation’

“Each one, teach one.”

“If You Can’t Read This You Are Probably Illiterate.” “Read This.”

We Work Best When We Work Together!

‘Stop kids from working and let them march towards their dreams, Don’t stop them’

Educating girls can give many powerful leaders to the country.

Proper education can show a brighter path to the girls to go ahead.

Those who trade Liberty for security have neither.

If you want a good mother, sister and wife, then start educating a girl child.

Proper education is birth rights of all the girls.

Send your girl child school today and let her prepare for bright future of country tomorrow.

Educating a girl in present can be a miracle in future.

Be cool; give everyone the chance to stay in school.

If you want good citizens in the country in future, start educating all the girl child.
