Child Education Slogans
Education is our right… stopping child labor is our fight!

Your a Jerk to make them Work

Don’t be a fart; give every body a good start.

‘Stop Child labour and give them privilege to stand forward in future generation’

‘Stop kids from working and let them march towards their dreams, Don’t stop them’

Be cool; give everyone the chance to stay in school.

Educating Students For Success In A Changing World

I Care About Kids

Education is a weapon which can change the world.

No child should be left behind

Creating A Community Of Life-Long Learners

Recycle: All the cool kids are doing it

Only in popular education can man erect the structure of an enduring civilization.

Education is our birth right!

Let children play and study

‘Stop Child labour for peaceful future life and for development of human’

Going green for my children.

Child labor is a social crime, every child has a right to shine…

Education is the movement from darkness to light.

‘Tomorrow’s future is in the hand of today’s youth , so save child labour’