Blood Drive Slogans
For every 1000 who can Donate Blood only four do! What about you! Give Blood and gift a life.

Every drop counts. Give blood today!

Be a Life Guard. Give Blood to save life.

Don’t just live through others – let others live through you.

Donation of Blood means a few minutes to you but a lifetime for somebody else.

Every tomorrow needs a blood donor today.

Donate Blood – Gift life.

Blessed are the young who can Donate Blood.

Be a Blood Donor and save a life.

Don’t let the blood center run dry!

Donation of Blood is harmless and safe.

Blood Bank cannot get Blood from stone.

A bottle of blood saved my life. Was it yours?

You too can have the joy of saving a man’s life by donating Blood.

Give Blood. Save Life.

Smile and give, some one will smile and live.

The blood is red gold in time of saving a life.

The blood you donate gives someone another chance at life.

The colour of human blood is red all over the world. Anywhere you can donate your Blood.

Donation of Blood makes a difference between life and death.
